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Latest News

Announcement for the contemplated asset sale auction process of Oltchim.
On behalf of Oltchim S.A. (Romania), in reoganisation under the Law 85/2006, represented by its judicial administrator, Rominsolv SPRL and BDO...
PRESS RELEASE - the incident occurred at OLTCHIM SA on December 12, 2017
PRESS RELEASE - the incident occurred at OLTCHIM SA on December 12, 2017 (pdf format)
The XXXV-th Romanian Chemistry Conference
You are kindly invited to attend the XXXV-th Romanian Chemistry Conference. The Conference will be held from Wednesday October 03, 2018 to Friday...

Identification and location data

Oltchim S.A. - Societate in reorganizare judiciara, in judicial reorganisation, en redressement

Address: 1 Uzinei Street, Ramnicu Valcea, postal code 240050
Tax number: RO1475261
Registration number in Comercial Registry: J38/219/1991
Web page:
Subscribed and paid in share capital: 34.321.138,30 RON
