Investors Relation

Investors Relation

Latest News

Announcement for the contemplated asset sale auction process of Oltchim.
On behalf of Oltchim S.A. (Romania), in reoganisation under the Law 85/2006, represented by its judicial administrator, Rominsolv SPRL and BDO...
PRESS RELEASE - the incident occurred at OLTCHIM SA on December 12, 2017
PRESS RELEASE - the incident occurred at OLTCHIM SA on December 12, 2017 (pdf format)
The XXXV-th Romanian Chemistry Conference
You are kindly invited to attend the XXXV-th Romanian Chemistry Conference. The Conference will be held from Wednesday October 03, 2018 to Friday...

Investors Relation

 Investors Relation
This section is designed to provide access to relevant information in Romanian and English, to company shareholders, potential investors as well as other stakeholders. In the subsections you will find information about the company's shares (OLT), financial events calendar, corporate governance, important events in the company's activity, the annual, half-yearly and quarterly reports as well as information about the General Meetings of Shareholders.