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Announcement for the contemplated asset sale auction process of Oltchim.
On behalf of Oltchim S.A. (Romania), in reoganisation under the Law 85/2006, represented by its judicial administrator, Rominsolv SPRL and BDO Business Restructuring SPRL (“Judicial...
PRESS RELEASE - the incident occurred at OLTCHIM SA on December 12, 2017
PRESS RELEASE - the incident occurred at OLTCHIM SA on December 12, 2017 (pdf format)
The XXXV-th Romanian Chemistry Conference
You are kindly invited to attend the XXXV-th Romanian Chemistry Conference. The Conference will be held from Wednesday October 03, 2018 to Friday October 05, 2018.
The location will be Cozia Hotel...
The XXXV-th Romanian Chemistry ConferenceMarch 6th, 2018
You are kindly invited to attend the XXXV-th Romanian Chemistry Conference. The Conference will be held from Wednesday October 03, 2018 to Friday October 05, 2018. The location will be Cozia Hotel in Caciulata, Valcea County, Romania. Caciulata is situated on the Olt Valley, in a beautiful natural and historical area. The aim of the Conference is to review the state of the art and to explore the ways in which basic and applied researches in various fields of chemistry interact. |